Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Poetry Is The Language Of The Heart

I have been doing some writing recently, and I thought I might stick up some song lyrics Ive been working on.

I'm sorry if I've been
Confusing as of lately
I've just got your face
etched across my memory

I come from a good home
My daddy, he never beat me
Am I walking alone?
Or are you walking right beside me?


  1. I know I've been hanging with dirty uni students much too much when the first thing I want to say to you after reading this poem and missing you is that you're a good cunt.
    I'm going to try to get this foul language thing under control before I see my parents.
    You meeting some cool like-minded people at film school?

  2. hahaha Saraid, I'm kind of warmed and rather shocked at your statement...please, please don't say that sort of the thing to your parents. They won't be best amused.

    and yeah, film school peeps are pretty darn cool!


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